Ethereum’s co-creator, Vitalik Buterin, gives an update on a protocol that is not living up to its disruptive promise.
To mark DigFin's second anniversary, co-founders Jame and Chris take stock of fintech's progress.
A virtual D.J. set in the game Fortnite shows the potential of micropayments – and blockchain.
Can China export its "techfin"?
The five stories that garnered the most traffic on our site throughout 2018.
Full house at DigFin's networking event for women leaders, students and young professionals.
Hong Kong will regulate digital assets, which is good news, but only wealthy investors will be permitted into licensed services.
In this video, Jame discusses the work of Clayton Christensen, whose book The Innovator’s Dilemma set out the challenges incumbents face from technological disruption. There are...
The industry can respond in only one way to Nouriel Roubini’s over-the-top attacks: prove him wrong.
We list 25 notable women founders, business heads, technologists and digital experts among fintechs, financial institutions and vendors.